About the Centre Both natural and human induced changes are altering our environment at an unprecedented rate. These changes are having profound effects on our planet, its biodiversity, our health and our ability to live in a sustainable and equitable way. ACE operates across the university to bring together diverse expertise across schools and colleges with external partners, to address how populations can adapt effectively to our changing environment. Centre Members We bring together over 100 different research groups and a network of professional research staff. Early Career Network A friendly, interdisciplinary community of early career researchers. Postgraduate Training Opportunities providing a world-class training in the environmental sciences. Latest News The latest news from the centre. Collaborate with us Contact our research development team. The Sustainable Development Goals The process of adaption is key to our sustainable development goals. Resources for Centre members Useful resources for Centre members to support with collaboration. Partner organisations and networks We work closely with other key networks and organisations. This article was published on 2024-10-07