About the Centre

The Centre for Adapting to Changing Environments (ACE) is a leading centre in multidisciplinary research bringing together the diverse expertise needed to address how populations can adapt to our rapidly changing world.

Change is a natural driver of an evolving world but in recent decades the rate of change induced by human activity has become unsustainable. How populations, ecosystems and society adapt will be crucial to sustaining the natural environment that is our planet's life support system. ​​​​Different disciplines bring together different definitions, frameworks and tools to the process of adaptation but it is a core idea that can transcend and unite across disciplinary boundaries. Our research integrates across four interlinked areas: Earth, Life, Ecosystems and Society.

ACE works to support interdisciplinary collaboration across these themes to address the grand challenges that we face through facilitation and development of grant ideas, and through networking across our schools and with external partners. 


How, when and where are earth processes changing?

How does change influence basic life processes?

How does change affect ecosystem functioning that support us?

How, as a society, do we build in resilience and opportunity to this change?