Our Research Development Team

We are the research development team representing different groupings at the University of Edinburgh working to bring together diverse expertise to tackle shared goals.

Developing research opportunities for our community


Dora Lola-Luz: I am the Research Development Lead for the Centre and part of the School of Biological Sciences. I have a background in developing International funding links and am particularly interested in building Centre links with similar institutions across Europe.
Kirsten Paterson: I am a Research Development Manager at the School of Biological Sciences with experience in research development and support, grant administration, and project management.
Katherine Quinn: I provide research support for the College for Science & Engineering.
Jill Douglas: I am the Research & Finance Manager in the School of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh.&; I assist academics in the School with all aspects of research grant applications particularly when these involve larger multi-School bids.
Matthew Ross: I am the Manager of Geosciences Research Support Services in the School of Geosciences at the the University of Edinburgh. I am interested in bringing together expertise within the Centre to build on current collaborations both within and external to the University.
Ines Foidl: I am the Edinburgh administrator for the National Biofilms Innovation Centre and Higgs Centre at the University of Edinburgh.
Benjamin Goddard: I am based in the School of Maths and am one of the Industrial and Engagement Coordinators for our EPSRC CDT, MAC-MIGS. As such I have a broad overview of academic interests, and am also keen to promote engagement across the University and with external partners.
Janet Ball: I am the Head of Research Services in the School of Informatics. My team provides pre- and post-award support to the School’s researchers.